Archive for the ‘The Corporation (Crown)’ Category

I recently stumbled across these videos. It appears to be a training or induction video for new initiates into the Illuminati. Although it is possible that this is a hoax, I am of the opion that it is not. The information contained in the videos is consistent with what we already know about the mechanics of the Illuminati and the New World Order. Due to the importance of this information, I have decided to add a transcript for hearing impaired people. The video is separated into two segments.

Part 1

Illumicorp’s Ojectives:
  • To transform the United States, and eventually the world, into one cohesive organization.
  • To gain centralized control over the resources of the planet. This is Socialism.
  • To organize, govern, and distribute these resources, for the benefit of all. This is Socialism.
  • To build a utopia for the people of the world to share, based on need (once competition and dissent has been eliminated). This is Socialism.
Class Structures in Society
  • Most people think that society is made up of the Rich, Middle class, and the Poor. What most people do not understand is that their is a fourth level. This is represented by the fourth level (capstone), of the Illuminati pyramid (i.e. the Third Eye component as seen on the One Dollar Bill). The pyramid continues upwards. The capstone is detached from the rest of the social levels and is made up of an elite Board of Directors who own and manage Illumicorp.
  • The three lesser levels of society below the capstone in effect become the assets and resources of Illumicorp.
Illumicorps Organizational Structure
  • It is divided into various administrative branches.
  • Each branch has the same five levels in it’s hierarchy.
  • Each new member begins at the same level (i.e. the Initiate level).

The hierarchical levels are:

  1. President / CEO
  2. Supreme Council
  3. Executive Manager
  4. Initiate Supervisor
  5. Initiate
The Role of Illumicorp’s Members
  • To ensure that they carry out their orders through the sub-corporations and instutions controlled by Illumicorp.
  • They are placed in plain site at the head of a company or institution in the public sector, to carry out the plans delivered to them from above (i.e. their Masters).
  • They are the face of Illumicorp to the outside world and connect with the masses below.
  • They are never to speak publically about their orders or their Masters.
  • They decide strategy and introduce programs that further the goals of Illumicorp.
Illumicorp’s Six Administrative Branches and their functions


  • This is the most effective instrument for global control. Through international banking Illumicorp manipulates the fate of all countries.
  • They have introduced many institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Trade Organization (WTO) that work in favour of Illumicorp to impoverish disobedient nations. Debt / death is a powerful weapon against the countries that don’t share Illumicorps vision.
  • The Federal Reserve is their greatest achievement. It is a collection of international banks, owned by Illumicorp members and financiers. It was created to form a centralised banking system through the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This act was penned by some of Illumicorp’s most esteemed members. The US government does not issue and print money. This is a misconception. When America needs money, it borrows it from the Federal Reserve. The taxes paid by American citizens to the IRS, are almost entirely applied to paying off this debt. This is one of the most crucial sources of funding for Illumicorp.
  • Through mergers and acquisitions, Illumicorp has slowly and silently bought up the majority of United States industry. (Company logos seen in the video: AOL, Motorola, Chase Manhattan Bank, CBS News, Target Retailers, Apple Computers, NBC News, Shell Oil, McDonalds.) Illumicorp and it’s members, own mosty of the oil, transport, banking, media, food, and communications industries in America and abroad. Through few and fewer conglomerates, they are able to effect (with great precision), the machinations of labour and goverment.
  • Ultimately corporations will replace government as a centralized international body that can meet the needs of people worldwide without the chao created by national self-interests. When Illumicorp goes public, corporatism will be the foundation of world government. Conglomerates will merge into one cohesive corporation that is responsible only to Illumicorp and the needs of it’s global employment force.


  • Illumicorp control of the American military is another impressive tool in their possession. They have burtured these institutions lavishly to serve as the prototype for their global police force.
  • Technology and manpower will dominate those who oppose the coming New World Order.
  • By utililizing American Patriotism, they have fostered in the American soldier, the philosophy of peace through superior force. When the time is right, they will migrate that mentality toward belief in a global government who must protect all people through superior force.
  • They have used the military-indusrial complex to build the arsenal necessary to instigate the final cleansing as outlined in Illumincorp’s great plan.
  • The primary target will be Islamic nations who will never submit to their Western-centric domination. Islamic nations also hold much of the remaining oil reserves of the planet. Illumicorp must own that precious reource as it is crucial for maintaining domination over the countries of the world.
  • Through Illumicorp’s enourmous Federal (Reserve) funding of the military, they can develop new forms of warfare and population reduction. The public cannot imagine what they are in the process of developing. Soon, even the weather will be a weapon under their control. (Exmples cited in the video: drought, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis).


  • The political system of America has been under current control of Illumicorp for some time already.
  • All politicians know of their unspoken agreement (partnership), and will do almost anything to stay in power.
  • A two-party political system benefits Illumicorp because it reduces every issue to a black or white debate. Through media thy can play side against side, using each when necessary to support their goals.
  • Due to diminishing faith in the political system, Illumicorp has designed a rogue candidate program to provide a voice for the dispossed. This disperses the impetus for dissent amongst those who do not feel represented by Illumicorp’s candidates, and builds a database of political dissidents.

Part 2


  • At the turn of the last century, Illumicorp took a serious interest in public education. The Supreme Council realiized that by creating a private organization to dictate curriculum on a Federal level, children could be conditioned to obedience on a mass scale.
  • In the interest of promoting Illumicorp principles in the classroom, hundreds of millions of dollars were invested to create the General Education Board in 1902. The result of doing this is evident today. The doctrines of public education have transformed recent generations into a weaker, more docile mass.
  • Through a meticulously planned curriculum, Illumicorp has control over the process by which the average child learns, moulding them into obedient workers who are conditioned to accept implementation of the Great Plan.
  • In addition, Illumicorp has set up many associations, including the Americal Historical Association that determines and upholds the official view of history. Knowledge is power so we must at all costs be the authors of the truth. By writing history to serve our interests, dissenting voices cannot gain ground and we can vastly influence culture to achieve our prime objectives.


  • Illumicorp uses the media to pe public opinion about the current events and conditions desired attitudes about our future agenda. Through news, entertainment, and advertising, we can program a variety of emotions and responses in a collective unconscious.
  • In the past we were limited entirely to print media but now we have multiple mediums to utililize in programming and conditioning the masses.
  • With cable news, we have directed the public to a more entertainment based consumption of world events – Infotainment. This medium is far more effective in subliminal reinforcement of desired attitudes towards our objectives. For instance, we are currently instilling a sense of duty towards environmental issues.
  • With our growing control of the weather through HAARP and Chemtrails, we will scare the public into accepting our global protection agendas. We will then phase into the great cleasing which must occur, to return the global population to a manageable size.
  • We reinforce the desired norm through advertising, creating a model for people to live up to that is virtually impossible to attain. The result is an incomplete, desperate individual seeking acceptance.
  • Through reality television game shows, we repeat the pattern of individual survival versus group survival. This breaks down the idea of community and breeds individuals who seek only their self-interest.
  • With a public that is constantly suspicious and scheming, we maintain the status-quo of a divided population that never thinks to look up.


  • The oldest and perhaps the broadest form of social control utilized by Illumicorp. With religion there is a written code of conduct that must be followed. The authors of the Holy Sciptures knew quite well how to lace that code with commands to maintain their dominance over the population.
  • This system has survived through millenia to keep the flock together and bring us to where we are today.
  • Admittedly religion is losing it’s power of control. However the fanaticism that has arisen during this decline is particularly helpful to Illumicorp. Our invisible influence in the church has helped bring Christian fundamentalists out opf the background. We control their opinions on current issues through policies designed and written at Illumicorp’s headquarters. They are then sent to our ministers who preach the word of god and their interpretation of the Bible to their followers. Their blind faith is used to transform them into willing soldiers to defend our cause during the catastrophes ahead. As the final phase is enacted, we wil propogate end-time prophecy to convince them of their convictions.
  • The rise of Islamic fundamentalism works to Illumicorp’s advantage as a threat that will demand violent action. In the coming years, planned terrorist attacks will warrant a full-scale retaliation and intitiate the final phase of the great plan.
  • Christians will support our actions since they will believe them to be proof of the end times, prophecy by Illumicorp’s religious leaders.
A Word from the President of Illumicorp

We are in the last days of darkness. Together in secret, we wait to begin the final phase of the great plan. The sun is rising, and it will beam a glorious dawn upon our New World. As an employee of Illumicorp, you are above the limitations of nationality, class and religion. You are a member of the Illumined now. Your loyalty and dedication belong only to us. Help us finish the plan. Together we will proudly initiate the New World Order.

Illumicorp’s Latest Project – the Control Grid
  • With a release of technology to the masses, we have a real ability to omplement a control grid with finance, industry, government and military under our strict control. We can safely shift the population into a new world that is monitored and controlled by Illumicorp.
  • Technology such as the Internet, GPS (Global Positioning System), and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chips are pillars of the invsible prison we are erecting around the people. Within a decade we will have Real ID cards which contain criminal records and pertinent information all linked to Federal databases.
  • Cell phones will tell us where each individual lives, linked to the same database.
  • Through Intelligence Agencies and Homeland Security we will monitor individuals who oppose the great plan and remove them from the grid.
  • Quickly the population will learn they have a choice; either support the system and benefit from it’s luxuries, or recject it and lose access to the grid.


Clearly the concepts and doctrines reveled in this video confirm that the governments of the world are driven and guided by Luciferan doctrine. Satan is indeed the prince of this world but read the book of Reveion in the Bible to see how the story ends!

See also Age of Aquarius, Age of Evil documentary – a must see!

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